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Writing Simple Probe

Prepare development environment

We recommend using vscode editor but any other text editor should work too.

  • Complete HDK installation and initialization steps if you haven’t done it yet.
  • Go to HDK installation directory if you’re not already there
    cd $env:ALLUSERSPROFILE\Hyperionix\hdk\
  • Clone sysapi repository. It is a helper library to simplify low level Windows API access. Library documentation could be found here.
    git clone --branch develop sysapi/
  • Open Hyperionix development workspace in vscode. In the right bottom corner you’ll see vscode extensions recommendations. We recommend installing all of them for the easiest development experience.
    code .\.vscode\hyperionix.code-workspace

Writing hook package

Let’s write the first hook package. This type of packages is used to declare a place to setup physical hook.

Create a file for the hook definition and edit it.

mkdir .\packages\my\hooks\win32\MyNtCreateUserProcess\ 
code .\packages\my\hooks\win32\MyNtCreateUserProcess\MyNtCreateUserProcess.lua

Paste and save the following snippet.

Hook {
  name = "MyNtCreateUserProcess",
  target = "ntdll!NtCreateUserProcess",
  decl = [[
    NTSTATUS NtCreateUserProcess(
        _Out_ PHANDLE ProcessHandle,
        _Out_ PHANDLE ThreadHandle,
        _In_ ACCESS_MASK ProcessDesiredAccess,
        _In_ ACCESS_MASK ThreadDesiredAccess,
        _In_opt_ POBJECT_ATTRIBUTES ProcessObjectAttributes,
        _In_opt_ POBJECT_ATTRIBUTES ThreadObjectAttributes,
        _In_ ULONG ProcessFlags,
        _In_ ULONG ThreadFlags,
        _In_opt_ PRTL_USER_PROCESS_PARAMETERS ProcessParameters,
        _Inout_ PPS_CREATE_INFO CreateInfo,
        _In_opt_ PVOID AttributeList

You will notice this hook defines:

  • A name that can be referenced later.
  • A target function symbol. Specifically this hook targets NtCreateUserProcess in ntdll.dll.
  • Full function declaration so the hook knows which function arguments to get and what to return.

We have now declared a function we want to intercept and its arguments. Next we will verify the package with hdk utility:

.\bin\hdk --verify MyNtCreateUserProcess
Verify package MyNtCreateUserProcess... OK 

Writing probe package

Our first probe package will define logic built on the top of the hook package we just defined. It will print a message for every process creation function the hook catches.

Create a file for the probe definition and edit it.

mkdir ".\packages\my\probes\My Process Created\"
code ".\packages\my\probes\My Process Created\My Process Created.lua"

Paste and save the following snippet.

Probe {
  name = "My Process Created",
  hooks = {
      name = "MyNtCreateUserProcess",
      ---@param context EntryExecutionContext
      onEntry = function(context)
        print("Hello from MyNtCreateUserProcess")

Next we will verify the package with hdk utility:

.\bin\hdk --verify "My Process Created"
Verify package My Process Created... OK 

This is what probe package definition looks like. It depends on MyNtCreateUserProcess hook. The cloned hyperionix packages already has a NtCreateUserProcess hook definition and Process Created probe but we wrote our here for the sake of the example.

onEntry is a package callback which will be executed in the context of the hook on the function entry. Detailed information about package callbacks could be found here. Currently we just print a message inside the callback. So if the Hook package is loaded all calls of NtCreateUserProcess syscall will call corresponding onEntry callback.

Package test

Package testing is not required but we strongly recommend writing some tests to verify your probes work as planned. Writing a test now will help you to understand better how packages work.

code ".\packages\my\probes\My Process Created\test.lua"

Paste and save the following snippet.

setfenv(1, require "sysapi-ns")
local Process = require "process.Process"

-- Package we want to test
local package = Package "My Process Created"

local function createAndTerminateProcess(path)
  local p =
  if p then
    return true
  return false

Case("Main") {
  case = function()
    -- Load tested package
    -- Run a process
    assert(createAndTerminateProcess("notepad.exe") == true)
    -- Unload tested package 

To run test use hdk with --run-test.

.\bin\hdk --run-test "My Process Created"
dbg: Run case [Main]
dbg: Package [My Process Created] has been loaded successfully, id = 117
Hello from MyNtCreateUserProcess
dbg: Package [My Process Created] has been unloaded successfully
Received events:

Let’s see what happened.

  1. hdk found a package named "My Process Created" and executed its test.lua.
  2. It built all packages created with Package function.
  3. It executed all cases declared as Case (we have only single one).
  4. Inside Main test case hdk loaded My Process Created package. You can consider this as analog of injecting the package into a process. After loading the package hooks ntdll!NtCreateUserProcess is set.
  5. We trigger one of these function calls and just output Hello message.

You can use sysapi both in packages and tests.

Windows Internals Reference In Windows a process can be created using multiple syscalls: `NtCreateProcess`, `NtCreateProcessEx` and `NtCreateUserProcess` but the first two of them are used only internally so all processes are created with `NtCreateUserProcess`. We meaningly don't handle `NtCreateProcess` and `NtCreateProcessEx` to simplify the example.

In the next step we will improve the Probe and add feature to block target function execution.

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